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Dear Colleague:
We are writing to invite you to join us in an important new initiative: Faith Leaders for America.
As you surely know, the faith community in America has for many years been the focus of a patient, disciplined and increasingly successful effort to enlist its help in mainstreaming Islamic supremacist organizations and mosques in the name of “interfaith dialogue” and “bridge-building.”
This initiative has long been a priority project of the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the group’s top ideologues, Seyyid Qutb, explained the true purpose of such bridge-building in a highly influential handbook on incremental jihad entitled, Milestones: “The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah [the society of unbelievers] is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam.”
In other words, Muslim Brotherhood operatives and their fellow Islamists engage in interfaith dialogue not as a genuine effort to foster tolerance and good-will among the followers of various religions. Rather, it amounts to a one-way bridge, designed to facilitate Muslim proselytization and recruitment among those of other faiths.
The Islamic supremacists have been particularly successful of late in enlisting prominent Christian and Jewish clergy as partners in touting such memes as: “Islam is a religion of peace”; “Islam is a great Abrahamic faith”; “jihad is about personal struggle to be a better Muslim, not holy war”; and “Sharia is the same as Catholic canon law and Jewish halacha.”
Perhaps most insidious of all is the role played by such non-Muslim clergy in endorsing the Islamists’ claim that America is awash with “Islamophobia” – a made-up condition that supposedly manifests as unreasoned, racist and bigoted fear of Muslims. The practical, and ironic, effect is that these clerics are, thereby, actually facilitating the jihadists’ efforts to suppress our First Amendment’s protections of free speech and religious liberty.
Silencing opponents of the Islamic supremacists’ agenda often translates into still further accommodations to their demands. Notably, this results in preferential treatment of Muslims and their faith in schools, offices and public spaces. Examples include such symbolic acts of submission as: approval of separate and exclusive prayer rooms for Muslim worship and time off for those engaging in it; selective enforcement of dress codes; unique allowances for Islamic proselytization in curricula; the mandatory insinuation of halal meats into foods purveyed to Muslims and non-Muslims, alike; and the prohibition of the transportation, sale or consumption of pork, alcohol and other products deemed haram (impure) by Sharia-adherent Muslims.
We believe there is an urgent need for an interfaith group prepared to contest such subversive inroads into our religious life, communities and national fabric. Our goal is to foster an honest dialogue about such topics as: the reality that, while Sharia may have a patina of religiosity, it is fundamentally a totalitarian political, military and legal doctrine; the historical – and ongoing – record of Islamic intolerance towards other faiths; and the unchecked ambitions of Islamic supremacists to achieve global domination through both genocidal jihad against “infidels,” mass migration (or colonization) and subversion in Western societies.
If you share our concerns and are willing to participate in an effort to foster authentic interfaith understanding and to protect our liberties, we ask that you become a member of Faith Leaders for America and assist us in enlisting other, like-minded clerics.
Rabbi Jonathan Hausman
Bishop E.W. Jackson
Dr. Rick Scarborough
Dr., Rev. Rick Joyner
Rev. Jerry A. Johnson
Pastor S.E. Broden
Pastor Paul Blair
Hon., Rev. Tony Barton
Dr. Stu Weber
Pastor Tom Hardiman
Rev. Lloyd C. Phillips
Deacon James R. Bacon
Minister Bart Peacher
Pastor Justin Perry
Rev. Nancy G. Daniel
Pastor Roy L. Roden
Pastor Danny El Kouri
Rev. Matthew Jury
Dr. John Mallonee
Dr. Denton Mallonee
Deacon Gary R. Wickham
Minister Paul Allen
Minister LaVon Shapland
Rev. Dr. James A. Brettell
Rev. Buddy Fisher
Rev. John D. Boneck
Pastor Chuck Pifer
Senior Pastor Jerry Wickline
Pastor David White
Chaplain Gene Paul Nesgoda
Pastor Gary W. Haskell, Sr.
Pastor Marlin W. Sharp
Reverend Kenneth Mitchell
Robert Whitlow
Pastor Stephen Coran
Dr. William Enslow Jr.
Pastor David Whitney
Elder George Rasley
Pastor Dale Walker
Evangelist Dave Kistler
Pastor Ken Olson
Rev. John Peach
Bishop Keith Butler
Minister Steven Strzepek
Dr. Denton Mallonee
Pastor Mark Adolphsen
Pastor Bobby Sawyer
Radio Host Janet Mefferd
Rev. Vaughn Park
Rev. John Senin
Dr. Rick Patrick
Pastor John Pipp
Pastor Kenneth M. Fryer
Chaplain Hy McEnery
Rev. William McDonald, S.T.L., S.T.B.
Elder Raymond Grant
LTG (R), Rev. William G. “Jerry” Boykin
Bishop Aubrey Shines
Dr. Jim Garlow
Hon., Pastor Sam Rohrer
Bishop Robert D. Kee
Mr. David Barton
Pastor Walter B. Hoye II
Senior Pastor, Dr. Gary Dull
Rev. C.L. Bryant
Pastor Richard A. Samuels
Pastor Mary Anne Hardiman
Rev. Donna Milham
Dr. Greg Linnebach
Dr. Jorge E. Parrott
Rev. Sandy Durham
Minister Thomas Walz
Rev. William V. NeSmith
Senior Pastor Jack L. Smith
Pastor Isaac Crockett
Chaplain Gene C. Zeller
Rev. Cliff Willis
Rev. James McLaughlin
Minister Cynthia Dellatore Johnson
Minister Carole Hayes
Pastor Roger Burks
Rev., Pastor John Powell
Pastor Randy Strombeck
Pastor Shelly Pifer
Senior Pastor Ruth Wickline
Chaplain Debra Nesgoda
Pastor Ben Graham
Rev. M.L. Johnson
Pastor Brian Boyd
Maria Faber
Kathy Whitlow
Pastor Dilonna Coran
Pastor Todd A Johnson
Rev. John W. Butcher
Janet Ross
Hon. Rev. Jason Rapert
Rev. Keong Lai
Ruling Elder Abraham NuQuay
Pastor David McClellan
Senior Pastor Gus Booth
Pastor Ronnie Yarber
Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr.
Bishop Robert D. Kee
Dr. Richard Skinner
Rev. Barry Davis
Pastor Paul Caughill
Dr. Bruce Cook
Rev. Herman Pair
Pastor David Pitman
Rev. Joe Carey
Deacon Joseph Buccilli, PhD